Clambake May 3, 2025: Clambake


Seasonal Road Notice


Please take notice: The following roads or sections of road in the Town of Niles are designated as “Seasonal Limited-Use Highways”.   There is no snow or ice removal or maintenance from December 1st through April 1st on these designated roads.

Cross, Gahwiler – Harter Road intersection to Wise Farm, Fitzpatrick, Richardson – top of hill to Murray Road, Case Rd., Church Rd. – 200′ east of Oak Hill Road to Moravia town line, Kahler Lane, Split Rock – west plow turn around at woods edge to east plow turn around at woods edge, Appletree Point – plow turn around to dead end, Bear Swamp – plow turn around to Sempronius town line, Ridge Road.

Roger E. Slater, Highway Superintendent

Town of Niles